I remember the days when getting a haircut meant going to a regular barber shop. You’d wait in a live queue with no way to book a time, and the choice of haircuts was minimal and lacked any real variation. The service? You were treated like a slab of meat. It was even possible to catch lice—no joke, a friend of mine actually did once. If you came with unwashed hair, you’d be hunched over a sink washing it yourself. These were familiar 'delights' for many.
And how amazing things are now! Quality barber shops have become atmospheric places with excellent service and a focus on the customer. One of these, without a doubt, is BigBro. I’ve shot a few groom prep sessions there, and it’s the only place I get my own haircuts. Highly recommended!


Motoclub «Tigers»
Photoshooting for a minor lineup of «Tigers» moto club

Publication in «Picton» magazine
The third publication in print magazine. The cover this time.

Publication in «Rocketlight» magazine
второе появление на страницах печатных изданий

My first publication
Art of Portrait (print & web) magazine

Former Managing Director of the Kalashnikov Concern Innovation Center

A Barber Shop Visit from A to Z
High-Quality Haircuts and Shaves in Pictures